Sos-Forets Ci
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Dirección de envío
SOS-Forêts is a non-denominational association created on March 16, 1996, operating as a non-governmental organization.
The NGO is registered in accordance with Ivorian law No. 60-315 of September 21, 1960 relating to associations with the Ministry of the Interior and Security, under Association declaration receipt No. 554/INT/AT/ AGM of September 5, 2001.
Its headquarters is located at the national floristic center of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University.
The goal of our organization is to fight against all forms of degradation of biodiversity and more particularly of forests, with a view to rational management of our natural resources, for sustainable development of Côte d'Ivoire.
With a view to preserving biodiversity, SOS-Forêts sets itself the following main objectives:
- curb the degradation of natural resources, mainly the Ivorian forest heritage;
- rehabilitate forest ecosystems;
- establish a database on natural resources, especially forests;
- propose innovative strategies for sustainable management of natural resources in Côte d'Ivoire