Digital Afrique Telecom

Informações de contacto
Digital Afrique Telecom
Digital Afrique Telecom 06 P.O Box 356 Abidjan 06, Ivory Coast, Abidjan COCODY II Plateaux behind ENA, Street J36
Cote D'ivoire
Endereço de envio
Digital Afrique Telecom 06 P.O Box 356 Abidjan 06, Ivory Coast, Abidjan COCODY II Plateaux behind ENA, Street J36
Cote D'ivoire

With over 10 years’ experience in the business, we use mobile phones as universal remote controls to give African populations greater access to more information and services. DAT is committed to boost financial inclusion in Africa by offering seamless and secured financial solutions for both banked and unbanked populations.