A 7-day Escapade to escape as a couple, with friends or family, between high-end hotel services and visit the natural sanctuaries of the Nosy Be archipelago. Here, everything seems to have been thought for you … Sea, nature, well-being, sharing …
A preserved universe, ideal to meet the nocturnal and diurnal lemurs (Macaco and Lépilémur). This stay on Nosy Be promises you lunch on the seafront and visit the village of artisans. It is a paradise island with postcard reflections: an exceptional white sand and a small traditional village in lush nature. Horseback riding on the beach, golf in the heart of the island, diving baptism, quad biking or cycling along the wild beaches. Nosy Be offers a range of activities.
Introduction to local culture in the traditional village of Andrahibo, dive with Sakatia turtles, safari in the Nosy Iranja Islands, Nosy Fanihy, Nosy Komba and Tanikely. Immersion in the tropical forest and tour of the island to the top of the ancient volcanoes … This travel to Madagascar gives you on a golden plate the beauty of one of the 8 most beautiful islands in the world.
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