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This application allows technicians to easily update the database at centralized level only with information regarding the actual state of the object.

Sitinfra CI
Sitinfra develops software in the BIM GIS field and has technicians with extensive exp...
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GpsConstat is an Android application that allows the user to connect to the database DB BIM, view the information about road cadastre objects, visualize their location on a map and update the information concerning maintenance check-lists.

This application allows technicians to easily update the database at centralized level only with information regarding the actual state of the object.
The technician can, for example, update the information about the vertical signs that are within 50 meters from its own GPS position, choose which one to control, complete a new check-list of the current state and finally add new photos.
This tool, limited only to a control of objects that already exist in the database, greatly reduces the amount of information to be transferred and speed up the process of regular monitoring to be done along the road network.

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