Software Development & Integration

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We offer expert service and advice for software development and integration solutions.

Digital Afrique Telecom
With over 10 years’ experience in the business, we use mobile phones as universal remo...
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Need support and technological expertise? We offer expert service and advice for software development and integration solutions. Nowadays, various types of projects require technology experts to help implement and deploy services quickly. We have a strong team of highly skilled developers who are able to conceptualize, develop and manage programs in languages such as Python, Java, PHP, etc. Having access to the best software is crucial – having someone close by to assist you with it is even more important. This is why DAT has a license to integrate solutions from major technology companies.

لم يتم العثور على أي تقييمات

قد تكون مهتما
  • الأكثر شعبية
  • الأكثر مبيعا
  • شوهدت مؤخرا
مرحباً بك في منصة التجارة الإلكترونية بين الشركات الأفريقية الخاصة بك
انضم إلى الثورة. احتضن مستقبل التجارة في أفريقيا. سواءً كنت تكتلاً متمرساً أو شركة ناشئة ناشئة، فإن منصتنا تدعوك لتكون جزءاً من هذه الرحلة التحويلية.
Fast and high quality delivery

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Quality assurance and service

We offer only those goods, in which quality we are sure

Returns within 30 days

You have 30 days to test your purchase