Marie Laranja Biscuits

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Tasty, classic biscuits from Mozambique

Merec Industries
MEREC Industries SA, was founded in 1998, and is today a national reference in the pro...

Brand: Marie

Type of product: Biscuits
Bolacha Marie Laranja

Package size: 90 g
Nutricional value
Energy: 439.50 kcal
Carbohydrates: 74.46 g
FAT: 13.30 g
Protein: 7.90 g
Sodium: 131.26 mg
Wheat flour, water, sugar, vegetable fat, corn starch, powdered milk, inverted syrup, egg powder, yeast, preservatives, salt, emulsifier, flour corrector (alfamylase).

Storage conditions
Ambient temperature 23 to 25ºC.

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